
Composition And Experimentation In British Rock 1967-1976

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This site was set up to present the proceedings of the international conference Composition and Experimentation in British Rock 1966-1976, which was organized by Serena Facci and Gianmario Borio and took place at the Sala Puerari of the Public Library in Cremona, October 20-22, 2005. The aim, here, is to put the ideas presented and discussed during the conference at the disposition of as large a community of students, fans and scholars as possible. It is the natural result of an initiative that went far beyond the usual activity of a university, involving musicologists of diverse backgrounds, musicians of different generations and a large, engaged audience. Papers are presented in the two languages of the conference: Italian and English. The proceedings appear as a special edition of the review Philomusica On-line of the Department of Musicology and Paleological Philology of the University of Pavia which was a continuing source of support throughout all phases of preparation and realization of the conference and now has graciously made part of its site available.

We would like to thank the authors of the papers for the availability they demonstrated both during the conference and the drafting of the texts, the colleagues who moderated the four sessions and who offered valuable contributions while chairing the debates, all of the participants in the dense discussions, the students, technicians, interpreters and the many others who provided skills, energy and fantasy to this project.

A special thanks is extended to the institutions and associations who assisted in making the conference and the publication of the proceedings possible: the University of Pavia, Foundation Walter Stauffer, the Comune of Cremona, the Province of Cremona and IASPM Italia.

Download the conference program as .pdf file (3,21 mb)
Poster of conference as .jpg file (96 kb)

Proceedings of the international studies conference "Composition and experimentation in British rock 1967-1976", Cremona, 20-22 October 2005, Sala Puerari, Palazzo Cittanova.
"Philomusica on line" - special issue - 1st version, 12th March 2007

MAIL @: conveg@unipv.it

Gianmario Borio
Serena Facci

Alessandro Bratus - alessandro.bratus@gmai

Laura Leante, Laurie Schwartz


Information about "Philomusica on-line": editor and editorial board, avaiable at